Imperial Customs Building VVT Map - OP Shadowpoint (AoRBG)
Here is my take on the Imperial Customs Building in the "Securing the Signal" Event Seed in the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game sequel module Operation Shadowpoint. These are not the best nor do they have the same kind of uniformity of assets as other maps out there, but I think they are entirely functional for a Star Wars RPG session. Download Here This design focuses more on the previous role of the building as the Royal Treasury. Imperial Customs Ground Floor The first floor has a reception area, managers office, file room, work space, janitor closet, backup generator, and stairs at the top and bottom. The rear entrance is there as well. Imperial Customs 2F The second floor is where the vault is stored. There is a checkpoint with windows that lead into the vault. Ornate doors lead to an antechamber with secured chests, then faced with secure doors leads to several vault rooms. I have Gaav Fennro in the northwest vault room, opposite an interrogation chamber....