Whisper Base Battle Maps - Age of Rebellion Beginner Game (AoRBG)

Here are some basic battle maps I put together for some of the combat encounters for the Age of Rebellion Beginner Game, Takeover of Whisper Base. 

This first one is the garage section. 

The next one is the lead up to the Landing Pad. It also has the communication room in detail.

Finally we have the Hallways outside of the Control Center. 

These were made very quickly for my game, using DungeonFog, but if you need something quick and would like to have some battle maps for combat, check them out. 

Even though these are battle maps, I do not play them with a grid, as my group likes to focus on the cinematic elements of combat while still having a tactical map to look out. I think of it as the best of both worlds. 



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